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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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06-26-2009, 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by inno89 View Post
I have to strongly disagree with you here MMM. He is indeed in the vast majority and that has been reflected by what you have announced in your first post. As Nyororin said, it is only those small die-hard group of otaku's that purchase the overly priced DVD's. The matter-at-hand is that these DVD prices are outrageous and the choice for these companies is by either reduce them severely to a rate that those young kids with not much parental support can buy (including cash-strapped college kids as well) or a new business model (*cough*RIAA*cough*).
You are mixing up the price points in Japan (where Nyororin lives) and in America. The price for anime DVDs in Japan runs about 4 times those in the US. That being said they are still expensive.

Anime publishers are not idiots and to think that they would price them so high in the US that no one could afford them on purpose is insane. The problem is that bringing anime to English isn't free. Voice actors, translators, sound studios, licensing...all this costs money.

If you think the majority of people that steal anime online actually go out and buy it later, I think you need to check your facts. Just posts on this site show that the majority of people that steal online do not "have the money" to support their "anime addiction."

Originally Posted by inno89 View Post
If they can't achieve any of those things, then go bankrupt; free markets are not 4-year old playpens, you either make a good product with a good model and failure to achieve either results in failure itself, simple as that. If these companies are looking for empathy, they've got another thing coming to them while trying to raise prices in a back-hand fashion. They aren't getting a single cent out of me till they learn how to play ball.
Does that mean you are not watching their products? I talked about earlier legitimate ways to watch manga that don't mean you have to buy the DVDS.

You can rent then on Netflix, and then see them on X-Box them from the local video don't have to steal to see it.

This attempt to victimize the fanbase is going to fall flat. People that steal their entertainment are not fans and end up hurting those that really are fans.

Last edited by MMM : 06-26-2009 at 08:08 AM.
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