Originally Posted by Sinestra
Read my previous post apparently some of you think its as easy as slicing off a piece of pie. Think again and actually think about it not just talk.
It would not be an easy thing, but that is also not a good enough reason to simply give up on it totally. Obviously it cannot happen overnight, or everyone would be utterly lost and confused. But a gradual introduction of metric units into all facets of daily life, along with more emphasis on them in schools would make a huge difference. People aren`t going to go out of their way to learn something if it gives them no benefit in daily life - and at this point, it really doesn`t. For example, change road speed signs to dual, and make the kph larger on new cars... Make it easier to determine things by looking to the metric side by pricing things in stores by gram/kilogram, without removing the option to use imperial units. Just make them more inconvenient to use bit by bit.