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06-26-2009, 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
It would not be an easy thing, but that is also not a good enough reason to simply give up on it totally. Obviously it cannot happen overnight, or everyone would be utterly lost and confused. But a gradual introduction of metric units into all facets of daily life, along with more emphasis on them in schools would make a huge difference. People aren`t going to go out of their way to learn something if it gives them no benefit in daily life - and at this point, it really doesn`t. For example, change road speed signs to dual, and make the kph larger on new cars... Make it easier to determine things by looking to the metric side by pricing things in stores by gram/kilogram, without removing the option to use imperial units. Just make them more inconvenient to use bit by bit.
Oh i agree with you that is exactly what Nagoyankee and myself were discussing and that was my suggestion from the get go. I favor a dual method giving people the option to use both people react better with choices. But some think this can happen over night which it cant. As you said people wont bother with something that has no benefit in their daily life and honestly like you said there wont be one in the short run. I think both systems should be taught side by side all the way through school and once it has cycled for a generation start slowly but surely change road signs ect ect to dual. I dont mind either system but im not in favor of completely eliminating a system that has been in place for a long time. America is better at melding rather than getting rid of one system in favor of another.

But some of the ignorant comments on here makes me want to face palm.

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