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hennaz (Offline)
Posts: 118
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Engrand
06-26-2009, 02:56 PM

Being British, I'm very used to the metric system, and I think it's far easier to use than imperial/American measures. However, I always seem to think of road distances in miles, my steak in ounces, a person's weight in stones and pounds (a stone is 12 lbs.), and a person's height in feet and inches (I've no idea what my height is in centimetres, all I know is that it's 5' 8"!). As for America going metric, I really think they should, as it's easier, more accurate, easier to convert to smaller measures (ie. metres to centimetres is easier than feet to inches), and it's pretty much the only universally recognised system.

Hennaz ヘンナズ

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