Thread: Piercings
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JF Ossan
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06-26-2009, 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post

I understand that Japan is family-oriented, but I still don't understand why anyone would feel sorry for my parents. Is it because my eyebrow piercing would suggest that I'm morally wrong - that my appearance, effected by my personality - is bad?

How does a single Japanese person behave? Is there a structured rule book that every single human being in Japan follows? Do piercings not exist in Japan?
Why he is saying is, they might feel sorry for your parents because they weren't able to teach you to treat your body as a temple. To mutilate your body in that way is one way of disrespecting the gift of life your parents gave you.

Personally, I would say either pull it out or find the tiniest little stud I could find to keep it open during the exchange. You are already asking your host parents to live a seafood free life during your stay, so I think it is the least you could do to show some respect for their household. At the very least you will be able to take photos with them they will be proud to show their friends and extended family.
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