Thread: Piercings
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(#21 (permalink))
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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06-26-2009, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I am not sure how you read tone in the written word, and I have never tried to judge you or your actions. You have never liked my opinions, so I can't help but think you are adding whatever tone into it in order to deny the facts that I am giving to you, but will stop doing because instead of taking the advice of someone who has an intimate knowledge (not basic knowledge) of Japan, you crap on it.

It has never been important for me to be right, and I always appreciate being told when I am wrong, but this is a topic I know a thing or two about.

I will admit I misread what you wrote about seeing and eating. Regardless, the fact remains that if you are allergic to seafood, it will be a seafood free home while you are there. I think it would be respectful to honor the family by being a little more flexible in other ways to make up for this, and one of those might be taking out or using a very small stud in your facial piercing. That's all.
It's very easy to read tone through writing. Tone can be read in editorials, novels, and even on forums. For example, because I chose to write "even on forums", it's easy to realize that I'm being slightly sarcastic because - well - we're on a forum.

You are being judgmental. For some quick examples, you chose the words, "The least you can do," and "Never say that out loud."

There you go again, trying to wave the "I KNOW MORE THAN YOU" flag. Didn't I tell you to stop? Because you know, I don't like what YOU have to say because of your tone, and because you like to assume that you know everything. However, if you look at this same thread - please, feel free to do so - you'll see that I've actually taken quite well to an opinion or two.

By the way, because I know I will be cooking my own meals, and because the family will be eating their own - regardless of your intellect on day-to-day life of every single Japanese household (which is, like I said before, stereotyping) - I'll keep my piercing in. Thanks for the opinion anyway, though.

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