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JF Ossan
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06-26-2009, 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
Either way, it's sorta like how one can rent a movie from a video store and if the person likes it enough, will just go out and buy it to own. Or, when a movie comes out in the theatre, one might opt out of going because he/she doesn't feel the movie is wroth the $10 ticket price and just wait until it comes on television and make a decision then on whether or not to go out and buy it. Same goes with music stores (not sure if they still do this), but they have headphones and stuff set up so that you can listen to certain cds or certain tracks. You're pretty much sampling there too.

The point still stands. If a person truly enjoys something, in other words, a fan of said work, he or she will probably invest in it at some point. Of course, for me, I don't own too much anime, due to the fact that there isn't much that interests me enough to want to own it and seems that most of what I want, don't have DVD releases for it (with a sub/dub option) or is either something older.
The difference is, the video at the rental store and the CD listening station at the music store is sanctioned by the artists and publishers.

Scanlations and DLs are not.
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