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JF Ossan
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06-27-2009, 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by SSJup81 View Post
Haggis: Ironic. You would read scanlations if a series got cancelled, and I read them because the series I want to read don't have licenses.A good while, but for the most part, neither series was licensed yet when I first watched them either. For Bleach...after the first arc, but, as I said, the show wasn't even airing in the US yet. For Naruto, I was on and off with that. Usually watched it when someone would talk me into it or mention a certain episode. With Inuyasha, round about when the fourth opening started up, GRIP! by ELT, but at that time, I'd actually started watching the dub since it was finally being shown in the US, so I stopped downloading it. I didn't have anything against the dub, and my mother watched it with me but we both just stopped watching it.
So you are basically making my point for me. You would have gone through legal means if there weren't illegal means for you to get these titles. Legal means = artist and publisher get paid. Illegal means = artist and publisher to not.
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