Originally Posted by Tenchu
So, is it wrong to feed your fantasy?
Personally, I like self control. But saying it is wrong would be saying all pornography or such is wrong. Perhaps even just normal anime and games are fantasy fullfillment with a bit of fetish in there.
Not all pornography is about fetishes and illegal acts. Please don't put words in my mouth. My point was that you seemed to say that the game producers don't have any responsibility if their consumers can't see that rape is wrong. What I was saying is that they cannot deny responsibility because the goal of the game is to rape, consequence free. Even GTA has consequences in the game. There is never a question that the actions the player takes aren't illegal or have consequences. These games are different, as the girl you rape will eventually "like it". I think that shows questionable judgement as a producer as it sends what I think is a dangerous message.