When I went to Japan I had two lip piercings on each side (commonly known as '
I was very straightforward and honest with my host family-- and they thought they were terrific. Seriously, they asked me to wear them in our purikura

They didn't even find it that strange, all things considered.
On the other hand I wouldn't have been caught dead in School with them.
If you're piercings are healed, and it's not necessary to wear them, then don't.
I think if I didn't have the piercing, I would have drawn much less attention to myself.
For some reason I had the sensation of being a 'rockstar' type figure-- now that I look back on it, it's pretty embarrassing.
For the record, I posted one of those instances:
We thought we were so cool. (Im in the blue, with the ridiculous white sunglasses on.)