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(#46 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
06-27-2009, 10:35 PM

Gorgia was originally a penal colony founded by John Oglthorp. The Puritans where fanstics who left England so they could practice thier fanatical ways freely. America became the "green country" of many Irish ballads during the potato famines of the 1800's. During the Revolution, of the 12000 Hessian mercs sent here to fight us..8000 ended up up staying after the war and 6000 were fighting for us before the war was over.

I strongly suspect our troops made such a dramatic turnaround after Vally Forge as much by the addition of several thousand Hessian troops as by the German Baron.

America was and is the country of dreamers for dreamers. It's that freedom to dream that attracts people from around the world. Dreamers, by definition, look at the world a little different than the average person.
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