Thread: Ancafe
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lizzey (Offline)
Posts: 869
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06-28-2009, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by JRockaddict View Post
mwa ha ha! yes i have! lol
i attacked you with love <3333

i kinda feel sorry for Kanon...
he has to sit in a chair and wait for all those braids to be braided DX
i hope they give him a magazine or something lol
poor guy

Woo I feel the love. "huggles" Or maybe his braids are just hair extensions because when he had red hair, you can tell he had hair extensions. I know what you mean. I just imagine sitting for long time that would suck. I kind of miss when he is used to spike his hair. Anyway he is awesome and so is the rest of An Cafe. some old pictures.

Last edited by lizzey : 06-28-2009 at 03:48 AM.
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