Ikaga desu ka!?
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06-28-2009, 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Just let the nerds masturbate in peace. It's not your business. These games are made by nerds, for nerds. I'm ashamed at the lack of pity you people are giving in credit of the fact they can't find a real date...
This statement sounds really funny, like it was a personal experice with you tenchu XDDD.
Anyways its not about scoreing with a woman at all, most chicks don't like being tighed up and spanked with a horse whip *too bad*.
I don't think people should blame games or the maker, thats like trying to sue a prostetute for being what they are. People should just raise there kids better instead of spoiling them and giving them the ideas that they could do anything in the world. When in reality they don't know how to do shiv so they have no other choice but to work as a garbage employee.
Alot of people today let there emotions guide there actions instead of being tactful with the things they do and that causes sloppyness.
Its what the person thinks is wrong and right, (didn't we all have this same debat about videogames in general?). Its not really up to other people to decide, we could take away everything filled with rape and torture but people will still do the same things and it will always be the same people. That is the way they are, for some sex isn't important but for others it makes there day.
You know most of the times the people who commit rape, it isn't really for sex with them its just the good feeling of forcing something upon others.
Originally Posted by MMM
Rape is wrong
So when packaged in a product that makes rape OK, if people can't see that rape is wrong, then the people are stupid.
You have such faith in people MMM.
There are legal rapes, not in the US but when I was serving in Iraq a woman who was just walking alone could be takin away and raped. That was legal but they didn't learn it from video games, they were taught it was okay.
Now its a little better by the US standards, not many bad things go on there anymore, just the usual deaths and drive bys.
Originally Posted by Kyousuke
probably because he's never been a woman before. but in terms of a game i think woman would do what it takes to win it. but sadly in real life its not the same thing, i know. my friend was raped when we were in elementary school and its a really terrible thing. i think ozkai is right about the game and men being more victims than woman, but in real life woman the real victims. game or not its really terrible and may rapists burn in hell.
Actually you know in the US its more men that are raped?, you know why? because of jails.
Sure there are a few rapes here and there on the outside with women but its not as much as the repeated rapes going on behind the scenes of the jail house walls. Most men do not report it too, isn't that a surprise . . . not really.
Even on the outside boys are raped, I say boys because they are younger then 13.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
Last edited by Hyakushi : 06-28-2009 at 03:37 AM.