Originally Posted by MMM
I said this statement two times, the first time backing away saying "a larger part of me says rape is rape."
I am not sure how you can say "substantially so to warrant actions against male gamers." What actions did I warrant? I think you are putting words in my mouth (but if I did say it, please show me).
Actually, I said it was implied. I should have been clearer. I don't think you personally imply it. I meant that in terms of this thread, that the difference is implying that we should be only concerned with male oriented games. If there is to be action, which I don't have an opinion on either way, all I am saying is there if no relevant difference exists such action should be unilateral. If there is, it should be explained, and explained well, in detail.
Society accepts this standard. You can call it a double-standard, you can call it retributions. You can call it putting balance back into the force.
Bad word choice. I didn't mean it with a negative connotation. I meant that it is simply a standard with two acceptable levels. It literally is a double-standard. I never said I disagreed with it. Or that I agreed with it. I was simply stating a fact.
I too, have lived in a society where I was the minority. The nice thing that I had, and you had, was the power to leave at the drop of a dime and return to the comforts of a situation where I was safely in the majority any time I wanted. Women don't have that power, and blacks in America don't have that power.
That depends largely on your view of choice of whether or not I had "the power to leave at the drop of a dime." Although not germane here, I brought it up, so I will say one of the reasons the situation was so enlightening was that I did not feel I could leave. Not without severe consequences at least. Sometimes it was frustrating, sometimes it was outright frightening. There were several times I feared for my safety. I will grant you that after graduation I was free to leave that situation, but I would rather vehemently argue that I would not have the quality of life I have today if I did not see it through to the end. I would ask you not to probe deeper, however.
I am also a minority all of the time, but I also decline to go into details about that. I would ask you to merely take my word on that.
I am a little confused because it sounds like you wanted me to acknowledge the fact that women can have rape fantasies but not talk about the fact that women are the vast majority of rape victims.
Nope. I have no such agenda. No agenda besides making sure that the former was considered along with the latter.
Black people may have prejudices against whites, but they are the vast majority of victims of racism.
Historically and institutionally, I would agree. On a personal level? My jury is still out. The fact that I have several black friends who agree with me that, at the very least, African-American racism towards whites (and other races) is on the rise, makes me pause on claiming that the vast majority of individual victims of racism are black. If it is still true, the ratios are definitely evening out.
Both rape and racism are vulgar displays of power, so I think the comparison is legitimate.
Okay. That's all I wanted.