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(#103 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: United Kingdom
06-28-2009, 11:17 AM

I honestly have no idea. I mean, they're all pretty darn different from each other, like any other kind of guy, so hard to say. Mixed experiences too with friends I've made over time. The Japanese guys who'd spent a bit of time out the country were easier to get to know, I found, primarily because as a tall self-sufficient woman*** I think I can be a little intimidating for some guys. I find it can prompt either a lot of shy gawping or conversely, rather brash commentary to impress their friends, which can be plain awkward at best and offensive at worst. Which can be really hard to get past, even just for the purpose of making friends with no intention to let it go further. Other people, some of the ones i've met in the UK for example, have a bit more confidence to just be casual and have a chat, language barriers aside. That's important to me. I don't want someone wanting to date me just because I'm not japanese, same as I don't want to date someone just because they are japanese.

So yeah, complicated. Am I open to the idea, sure, but like anything it really really depends on the person.

(***This isn't to say I go out of my way to stand out when I'm in Japan. I dress in a standard way, I'm not loud, I generally don't get that whole 'gaijin bubble' thing; i just occasionally get caught out taking off my high-heels in order to lift my bike over a fence when it hemmed in by other bikes or something.)
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