06-28-2009, 11:41 AM
In my opinion, I think the double-standard vis men-raping-women versus women-raping-men stems probably from the fact that the majority of rapists are men. Moreover, the majority of sufferers of violent psychiatric disorders are male, as coincidently is the majority of those who have committed crimes based off of media. Put together, you can see how it would seem that men who like rape fantasy can put forth a somewhat more disturbing profile than women who like rape fantasy. It's also more difficult for a woman to put such a fantasy into realistic operation vis physical differences between perpetrator and target victim and a need therefore to organize and prepare in advance. A man would find it easier to spontaneously commit rape than a woman, is my point, rape games aside. Admittedly you could apply the man-stalking-11-year-old-girl formula onto woman-stalking-11-year-old-boy, but then you still have to get past the fact that pedophilia amongst women is also rarer than pedophilia amongst men.