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RKitagawa (Offline)
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06-29-2009, 02:04 AM

Here ya go VampireGirl.
okay so, her head and her body kinda seem like they're on a 3/4 view. but the legs and arms look like a front view.
Instead of drawing the legs side by side, you should practice drawing one in front of the other, in a more side-ways view.

I really do think it's a vast improvement, and I'm particularly glad that you drew the hands. keep drawing those hands!

some small things to look out for:
the clothes go around the body, not across it. look at the bottom of the shirt and the top of the jeans, the cloth should wrap around her body.
your shoulders are too high and square, try to round them off a bit more and angle them downwards.

hmmm, what else... oh, the writing on her shirt should follow the direction of the cloth. And when doing writing, it;s usually a good idea to do like.. block letters, give them thickness.
and, her hair, even though her head is tilted, the hair should still be pointing towards the floor. So that it looks like it's being affected by gravity. (you actually kind of did do that... but you can push it a little more)

thats all i can think of. hope it helps, and keep up the great work!

Last edited by RKitagawa : 06-29-2009 at 02:07 AM.
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