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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
06-29-2009, 06:28 AM

I think you misunderstood my intent.

While it's absolutely wonderful that this information is readily available, I was being hypothetical, not "foot stamping." I was saying such information as you have been provided should be offered by any agent, government or non, such as the industry regulatory agency mentioned in the original article as evidence of its policy changes. When I say "I want" I am being proverbial. I am speaking as the public demanding that policy decisions be backed up. I am not talking to you or anyone else individually, nor am I talking as myself. I was being dramatic for emphasis.

I am well aware of the above statistics. I am, after all, a gender rights activist. This does not absolve agents from providing this information when making policy decisions. In addition, such information highlights the way we fail boys, then fail young men. If you chase these statistics to their origin, you will see that there are issues begining in early childhood that are far more relevant than eroge games featuring rape. However, this is not my point. Again, my sole point was to avoid "witchhunts." Which is a very real fear when the agencies do not explain reasoning, or worse, the public does not demand it.

Last edited by Tsuwabuki : 06-29-2009 at 06:31 AM. Reason: iphone keyboard failure
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