Originally Posted by MissMisa
I'm surprised this is only a recent thing. To show rape in a way that means its acceptable for anyone is a disgusting form of media, and it isn't needed in modern society.
I don't believe taking such things away from people will cause them to actually rape someone.
The ban is a step in the right direction to show that people don't tolerate rape or simulated rape. No, no-one is hurt, but the very idea is pretty digusting to the majority of people.
There is freedom is this world, but there are things that are clearly wrong. Rape, for example, should never be endorsed in any way.
I do have conflicts in my own mind about it though. Murder games are on the shelves left right and center, so I'm not sure how to feel about that since it's obviously wrong too. I suppose my concern with this is that 99% of the time it tends to degrade one demographic (females) which is possibly more damaging.
But unless you can come up with a decent reason as to why, other than you dislike it, you should not be allowed to make any proggress.
Have something "disgusting" is a lot better than having someone tell you what you can and cannot do just because it is their own personal preference, even if you never wanted to do that in the first place.