Originally Posted by MissMisa
What people get up to in their own time is up to them. People are allowed to enjoy what they want, and think what they want. It's nothing to do with peoples thoughts. The problem is the distribution of media portraying a crime as something pleasurable.
I don't know how they are going to enforce such a ban, but I agree with it. It is likely that people are still going to be able to come across such media. But it will be more difficult for people who aren't supposed to be viewing it (minors) to view it, which is the main issue.
Would you allow manufacture and possession of said media, but not distribution?
Quite relevant to the current discussion, in Japan manufacture and distribution of child pornography is a crime. However, possession, unlike in other countries, is completely
The UN has been trying for years to get the Diet to change that. So far, it hasn't happened, unless I missed some pretty big news (and I read a Japanese newspaper at least once a week).