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(#86 (permalink))
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bELyVIS (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 682
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Location: Texas
06-29-2009, 09:17 PM

My attraction to Asian women goes back to when I was young and my Uncle married a Japanese lady. She is very feminine and kind but her looks are average. While I find pretty women from all races, I feel Asian women treat me how I want to be treated. After being married to an American woman, I will never have anything to do with one again no matter what race she is. I feel that "Equal rights" has put man-woman relationships out of balance. American women want to be so equal that they over do it and try to be in charge. A relationship is 50-50. My Japanese wife is submissive by nature, but I am making her understand that she is equal in her opinions and I take what she thinks into consideration. She loves this because no Japanese men treated her like this. I don't own her so she (and I) is happy to cooperate with me.
I know I'll get flak for this (especially from American women) but this is how I feel.

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