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(#14 (permalink))
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Khengi (Offline)
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06-30-2009, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I never meant to imply that kanji never had multiple readings... The thing is, there are very few with multiple readings that are in everyday use to the point of being easily mistaken. Even with your example of 上, you really don`t have that many once you ignore the ones with the addition of kana. Calling 明 a doozy struck me as very odd as it has relatively few readings if you ignore names (make that 2? あ and あか...)
You seem to be considering every possible reading as on the same level, where in reality 99% of the time something is read one or two ways - with the others being very very rare readings. Dictionaries make things appear more daunting than they are in reality.
Ah, I see. I was merely implying that same thing. I think this whole Kanji thing ended up a misunderstanding, I was still referring to learning Kanji, and how all the readings you see will be a doozy, when in reality it's all on a context basis.

Ah, crap, now I've gone and made it seem like every reading is relevant, haha. Sorry about that.
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