Originally Posted by Barone1551
That really is not at all what I'm saying. Like I said your example of Jrock would have to do with stereotyping. If I said I like Asian women because they are more polite than other women than yes your jrock analogy would be correct. But that's not what I said at all. You can definitely separate physical characteristics from stereotyping. By what your saying then, do you not believe in physical attractiveness. Is there nothing you find attractive or unattractive?
Of course there are things I find attractive and unattractive. What I'm arguing is that there's a reason for what I find attractive. For example, I like women who aren't curvy and wear men's clothes. When I delve into WHY I like such women, it's because I like people who don't conform to society's expectations.
What I'm saying is that people who like one race over another will inevitably stereotype that race. Can you think of an example for why a person might be attracted to another race without stereotyping that race?