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(#122 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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06-30-2009, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
But so many things in the media are illegal things to do in real life, yet still exist. If people were to act them out in real life, it would all be disasterous.

In order to stop things being avaliable to children, both sex and violent products, there are ratings placed on things, or on the internet, credit cards are used. Of course, accidents happen with poor distribution or careless people, but parents have a job to monitor their children, it should not be an issue.

In the end, I'd much rather someone to walk around acting out some sick rape game than someone going around acting out the movie Saw. I think we all would. There is media out there designed to give you a rush other than sexual which is equally as bad, and as equally as inapproriate for children to view. You only dislike this one due to your own personal preference as to what you think is "going too far". Others have tried to do the same with different things already. Eminem got a serving, but served it right back, because it is innocent. People simply disliked the taste. Harmless things should not be discarded due to a single parties preference.
It's a good point, but those things are portrayed as bad in most cases. Murder in films and media usually has some dire consequences, in GTA, the police come, in Saw, (don't want to it away for people but everyone seems to have their come uppance.) It's rare that anyone actually gets away with murder and has a decent life after that in media. I've never seen these rape games so I've never encountered whether the rapist actually suffers any consquences, but as it's supposed to be a sexual thing then I doubt they are going to face any of those kind of consequences in game. As mentioned earlier.

Also, murder isn't gender or race specific, but most rapes that occur target the female demographic, which is another worry.
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