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(#212 (permalink))
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ModusOperandi (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 92
Join Date: Jun 2008
06-30-2009, 06:46 PM

I'm not very good at art and I don't really do it much... if at all. These are some charcoal paintings I did in an art class I took as a required course for my A.A degree last year.
I don't know if the reference links still work as its been quite a while but I posted them anyways.

A charcoal drawing I did in one of my classes. The original picture was found in a National Geographic Book..The picture was extraordinarily dark when I took the picture so I played around with the curves (photoshop) to lighten the image a bit.

A charcoal drawing I did in one of my classes to create a feeling of awareness.
References were used in this picture from a random Google search.
Link 1= Here
Link 2 = Here

uhm...just some random drawing I did for the hell of it...took me 45 or so minutes to do.

Link 1 = Here
Link 2= Here

This is another random charcoal drawing I did. It took me around an hour and a half I think. It's the last charcoal drawing I have done, I don't plan on doing any was fun playing with the medium while it lasted though :P

link 1 = Here
Link 2 = Here
Link 3 = Here

You can find the same things in my deviant art (sphynx006 is my user name)
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