07-01-2009, 10:50 PM
Look, if you pick an easier language, then you'll be competing with other people for good marks. Those other people are also finding the language easier, just the same as you. Unless you go to a school that doesn't use bell curve grading, it doesn't matter how hard the language is because it will be the same for everyone.
Also, foreign language classes at university are, in general, cake. Mickey Mouse even.
Most universities don't let you study abroad unless you already have studied the language some. I know my university required two years (that's four classes!) of classwork before getting to go abroad.
And if you're in high school, worried about getting a bad grade in a foreign language class in college already, boyo, you've got another thing coming to you. Foreign language classes are almost uniformly easier than anything you'll experience your 3d and 4th years of college.
In my 4th year, for example, I took the most advanced Japanese class offered. I put in about an hour a week of work on average. For my math classes (my other major), I probably averaged ten or more for each class. One I spent maybe five hours a day on for some spans of time.
Basically, if you're so afraid of a B in a Japanese class that you won't even take the class, then you don't deserve to ever learn the language. Life is full of challenges; you've got to take risks or life will be boring and you won't accomplish anything of meaning.