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JonBoy888 (Offline)
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07-03-2009, 11:36 AM

Hey guys, thank you for the prompt replies. I have never had first hand experienced living in Japan or been amongst japanese people but have always been fascinated with the culture and way of life. I guess with the incident with the stone pattern would be really annoying for someone like me, as I am british born chinese all my tendencies, behaviours and mannerisms would be of a western european. I was born in England but my ethnic background is chinese so in Japan and because of the colour of my skin I guess I would have fallen into the "uneducated chinese" group right?? I do agree though It really does only take one incident to tarnish positive opinions of an ethnic group. Another question that I want to ask you guys is would the japanese treat an english speaking chinese person different from a native chinese person or are they really both percieved as foreigners??

Last edited by JonBoy888 : 07-03-2009 at 11:39 AM.
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