Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel
So i was wondering...
Did anyone else is cross dressing or ever did it?x_X;;...
And if you do cross dress..
In what kind off clothes do you cross dress?..
Because i cross dress and just was wondering if i wasn't the only one the forum ..
After a lot of years thinking about it I have started more seriously.
I am a western male and I find wearing female clothes is relaxing and sexy.
I also think that Japanese women are the sexiest in the world and I plan to crossdress like a "kawaii". I was in Japan in March 2009 and fell in love a hundred times a day
Some people will think this is weird, but they just don't understand.
Other people might have suggestions about what makes a real kawaii - clothes , shoes, bling, walk... I would appreciate some ideas
PS the most gorgeous girls I saw were at Miyajima and in Kyoto during sakura