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(#181 (permalink))
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
What's with you turning every little thing into a race debate with you in the right and everyone else (having a different opinion) in the wrong?
...You do realize that you're in a thread titled "Inter-racial attraction." Meaning the discussion is about race and has been about race for the dozens of pages before I even started posting.

The thing is, I post my own opinion. Then people reply. Those people think that I'm wrong. That's usually what makes them want to reply to me in the first place. There are many people who disagree with me in this thread, all thinking that they're right and that I'm wrong. Why am I the one that's so controversial to you? Why don't you go and question the people who so adamantly disagree with me wherever I go, and wherever I post?

Honestly, I would prefer it if I could go onto one thread - just one - and post my opinion without being asked to defend my opinion constantly. But, since I can't get that, I guess I shouldn't complain - like how I think you shouldn't complain when I speak my mind. If it's so annoying, just ignore me.

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