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(#182 (permalink))
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bELyVIS (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
LO fucking L. Seriously? Dude, seriously? Seriously. Okay. I have been attacked and insulted on this forum left and right. I'm sick of it. And, when I dish a little bit of it back out, people flip the fuck out. Oh Lord. Oh Christ. If I weren't so annoyed, I'd think that was hilarious.

I said you were racist because you don't seem to think that my heritage amounts to anything. I said you were sexist because you've just spent the last couple of pages trying to convince me that women should take the traditional, inferior role of woman for a relationship to work. I'm a woman. I've been with men before. As far as I'm concerned, you automatically put me under the category of "woman" and the apparent requirement that I consider myself inferior.

You're still trying to argue with me about my own sexuality. I think even you can see how silly that is.

I and many modern-day scholars strongly agree with your idea of queer men and women needing to have someone who takes the dominant role. That role is something that stems from heterosexuality. These couples are not heterosexual. They automatically break out of traditional roles. It's true that some, unfortunately, see heterosexual couples and believe that they must mold their own relationship on the idea that one must go out and make money while the other stays home. Most, however, break out of those boundaries and seek true equality.

Thank God no one from the past took the advice you're trying to give me, because I'd be out working the plantation fields right now if they did.

As for "creative" outlets: I've worked with filmmaking, I sell paintings, I'm a teacher's assistant so that I can positively influence student's lives everyday, and I'm working to get published. What's with people on the Internet assuming that they know every little thing about me?
Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King try to make his world what he wanted it to be? He did something constructive. True he lost his life, but he didn't label everyone as being racist. As for you bringing up working in the fields, that is a very racist thing to try to put on someone, me, who never suggested anything near to that idea. You are the one with the problem. Everyone is against poor Mercedesjin, Whah! Aren't you assuming you know every little thing about me by accusing me of being a sexist racist?
Stay in your own little world and I'll be happy in mine.
PS, I'm glad your not teaching my kids your hate.

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