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(#183 (permalink))
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by bELyVIS View Post
Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King try to make his world what he wanted it to be? He did something constructive. True he lost his life, but he didn't label everyone as being racist. As for you bringing up working in the fields, that is a very racist thing to try to put on someone, me, who never suggested anything near to that idea. You are the one with the problem. Everyone is against poor Mercedesjin, Whah! Aren't you assuming you know every little thing about me by accusing me of being a sexist racist?
Stay in your own little world and I'll be happy in mine.
PS, I'm glad your not teaching my kids your hate.
First: I never said you suggested the idea of me working in the fields. Go back and read what I said a little more carefully.

Let's get one thing straight: I'm not labeling everyone as racist. I call out ignorance when I see it. I've seen it with you. Obviously, that makes you upset - but instead of becoming so defensive, why don't you take what I've said into consideration? Why don't you start to think about the fact that there is no one ideal "American" culture? Why don't you start to think about the fact that relationships can thrive without someone taking dominance?

I accused you of sexism and racism because of what you've said to me on this thread. Things that you still haven't responded to. Things that you still haven't apologized for. With the childish attitude you've been giving me, though, I guess I won't expect that anytime soon.

Oh, and by the way: a racist person spewing the preachings of Dr. King Jr. doesn't make him any less racist. It just makes him seem a little bit like a coward unwilling to challenge himself and analyze himself.


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