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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
First, let me give you a round of (laughing) applause. You gave me the exact answer I expected - and that isn`t a good thing.

You feel repulsion toward a woman making a choice?
All of my life, I have believed that efforts toward equality for women were to give women the ability to make their own choices - regardless of what those choices may be.

You`re telling me now that there is a CORRECT choice that should be made, and an INCORRECT choice that should never be made? How is that increasing the options for women? How is that giving them the right to live life as they feel fit? They`re wrong not to go out and do the exact same things as men?

Believing that your place is in the home because you are inferior is a world away from WANTING to be the home-maker and caregiver to the children because it is something you enjoy.
Or wait - that enjoyment is only felt because those women have been so very oppressed that they can`t make their own choices, right? They need to be told what is good for them by the other more "enlightened" women, right? Wow, doesn`t sound all that different from being oppressed by men - but because it`s women it is alright to judge and pressure them?

Why, exactly, is not emulating a man "inferior" in your eyes?
You know what the brilliant thing about all of this is?


The fact that you and so many others have come on here to attack me about MY OPINION says that YOU think there's a "correct" choice also. So please, kindly back the fuck off. I'm entitled to my honest feelings, my honest thoughts. You asked for them. I gave them. I, on the other hand, didn't ask for your sarcasm. Why is it so damned impossible for someone to have a discussion, to say what they think and have that be the end of it, on this forum? My God.

What I'm arguing is that women make that choice because they were conditioned to think a certain way. It's like a virus that keeps spreading. In my opinion, it's brainwashing. When someone is brought up to think, "I'm inferior, my place is in the house," OF COURSE they're going to make the "choice" to stay in the house. OF COURSE they're going to look at independent women and think that they aren't acting like "real women." What I don't like about that is that those "inferior women" will continue spreading the virus - onto other men and women, onto their children. Their children will be brought up to think that women belong in the kitchen. And then, yes - they, too, will make their "choices." THOSE are the women who I don't appreciate.

It's funny that you completely left out my last paragraph. It's there that I go on to explain that, though these are my initial feelings, I also want to feel more open minded about it by asking why they think this way, why they make these "choices." Of course, you completely ignored it. I guess because you, like so many others before you, really just want to pick another fight. :/

LOVE: pass it on
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