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07-04-2009, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
You know what the brilliant thing about all of this is?


The fact that you and so many others have come on here to attack me about MY OPINION says that YOU think there's a "correct" choice also. So please, kindly back the fuck off. I'm entitled to my honest feelings, my honest thoughts. You asked for them. I gave them. I, on the other hand, didn't ask for your sarcasm. Why is it so damned impossible for someone to have a discussion, to say what they think and have that be the end of it, on this forum? My God.

What I'm arguing is that women make that choice because they were conditioned to think a certain way. It's like a virus that keeps spreading. In my opinion, it's brainwashing. When someone is brought up to think, "I'm inferior, my place is in the house," OF COURSE they're going to make the "choice" to stay in the house. OF COURSE they're going to look at independent women and think that they aren't acting like "real women." What I don't like about that is that those "inferior women" will continue spreading the virus - onto other men and women, onto their children. Their children will be brought up to think that women belong in the kitchen. And then, yes - they, too, will make their "choices." THOSE are the women who I don't appreciate.

It's funny that you completely left out my last paragraph. It's there that I go on to explain that, though these are my initial feelings, I also want to feel more open minded about it by asking why they think this way, why they make these "choices." Of course, you completely ignored it. I guess because you, like so many others before you, really just want to pick another fight. :/
Actually, I didn`t leave out your last paragraph - nor did I ignore it. Is it impossible for you to imagine that there may be women who would still make the choice without "brainwashing"?
My opinion isn`t that there is a right or wrong choice - In fact, the choice itself doesn`t matter a bit to me. What is important is that there is an opportunity to make a choice. Your choice is up to YOU - the choices of other women should be up to THEM.
Why is it that so many who call themselves "feminists" seem to think that if a woman doesn`t make the choice to go out and do all the same things as a man that she must be brainwashed, oppressed, or have an inferiority complex?

I honestly do not understand where THAT thinking comes from. Are women not intelligent enough to make their own decisions without having to be told which is the "right" one? I find the implications of that in your opinion quite offensive, to be honest.
Should women all suddenly stop doing things they enjoy simply because at some point that was (possibly) part of some oppressive scheme? If a woman loves to cook in her own kitchen, why shouldn`t she continue to do so?

There is nothing I detest more than someone forcing their view of the world and their opinion of what is right on others. That goes for men to women, men to men, women to women, and women to men. Everyone should have the equal opportunity to make their own decisions in life. That is true equality.

I`ll make it very very clear, as you may miss it otherwise - My answer to the question of why a woman would ever choose to take the path YOU consider inferior...
Maybe, just maybe, as hard as it may be for you to imagine... because they actually WANT to take that path. Because they have their own personality, wishes, dreams and desires, and are making decisions to fulfill them.

And, just another small question - when on earth did I ever say anything that could be interpreted as "women choosing not to take a submissive role look at other women as 'not real women'"? The only one who has said that one type of woman or her choice is inferior to another has been you, mercedesjin.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 07-04-2009 at 02:20 PM.
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