again sorta not -
07-04-2009, 03:59 PM
Whale meat and Japan 'Scientific' Research Fleet, Industry
excerpt on health benefits of consuming whale meat in the 21st century
‘The concentrations of pollutants in whales and dolphins is not only sufficient to demand an immediately end to their consumption by humans and thus their killing in the first place, it is also an indication of the ever increasing pollution of the oceans. It is a tragic irony that the arguement that we not kill dolphins and whales includes the fact that we have contaminated the seas to such an extent that these creatures are dangerous to eat. ‘
“Studies leading to these conclusions have been conducted both by international teams of scientists and by Japanese scientists. A leading scientist at the Health Sciences University of Hokkaido believes the concentrations of pollutants delivered in dolphin meat can “be enough to cause acute mercury poisoning” and that the products should be taken off the shelves immediately”.
These findings were reported to the most recent meeting of the International Whaling Commission . The report stated “(Japanese) consumers are unwittingly consuming highly contaminated and potentially dangerous cetacean (whale and dolphin) products.”
In some cases the levels of mercury are 1,600 times the allowed quantities in meat for human consumption. The consumption of mercury in the quantities that exist in whale and dolphin meat can impair immune response and cause neurological damage leading to loss of coordination, vision, hearing and can produce mental retardation, especially in the young.”
Dr. Endo, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan.
FYI- dolphin populations figure in there too (tuna) and the pollution in the baleen whales . Its like the same warning heard about for fish but the difference is in these it apparently builds up so its like a whopping dose of it in whale meat. wow, 1,600 times the health limit! that can’t be good. The bulk of Japans whale meat is used in government subsidized school lunch programs.