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07-04-2009, 07:11 PM

I just started messing around with Rosetta Stone 3.0. I didn't like the previous versions or Rosetta Stone, but it seems to be greatly improved in the new version.

You get to learn the most important phrases in the world, such as:
How could one ever live without that?

What I am doing is using the app called Japanese for the iPhone/iPod Touch (it's a Japanese->English->Japanese dictionary), and the Internet to try and understand how the sentences are being formed.

For example, using the resources, I get this breakdown:
彼ら = they (usually male), those
は = subject marker
料理して = cooking, cookery, cuisine, dealing with something (well)
います = Present

Those males are cooking.

Meh, probably very wrong, but yeah. (・_・)
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