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QueenNanami (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 09:57 PM

Sarah Palin... I hope she doesn't run for president. That's just a waste of her time.

I'm surprised to see someone so gung-ho for her in the thread.

"who are you to judge who is worthy to be in politics?"
Let me ask you the same question solemnclockwork! What makes Sarah Palin so great to you that you think she deserves a ounce of our sympathy? To me Sarah Palin made woman look like they were incapable of running the White house. She made me and many other woman feel like a joke. I don't think she can handle a job like the White house and I believe she is a idiot. Her stepping down will put a huge dent in her "campaign" to becoming president. For that I am glad.

Did you see the vice presidential debate? If that doesn't prove how stupid she is then i don't know what will.

"The ignorant are mere stepping stones on the path to enlightenment."

"People can always have a judgment about anything you do. So it doesn't bother me. Everything can be strange to someone." - Michael Jackson
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