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(#208 (permalink))
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bonjoliehistrionic (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

You push your opinions onto others, but cry when others bash your opinions. When people's arguments over-ride yours, you wrap yourself into a cocoon of ignorance, putting your fingers in your ears and screaming at the top of your voice.

To go back onto topic. Inter-racial relationships are no problem to me. But there are some races that don't appeal to me as much as other races. For example, the majority of Black and Arabian women are not attractive to my eyes. There are a few, but many are not.

i love you for saying that <3
its what i meant when i said i generally find south east asian boys attractive
and i get accused of being racist ..
its not like i wouldnt date someone of other races
people who do that are weird
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