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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
Posts: 439
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Location: California
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07-04-2009, 11:40 PM

I've been teaching myself for years.
No professional help.
And I've decided to major in Japanese with minor in Journalism.
[/yes, that way]

I'm a language lover.
I have a list of languages I plan to master by age 12-17 more years to keep it up! LOL

However, you can't really ask us how hard.
It's all on the individual.
I find Japanese pronunciation easy, others struggle sometimes when I teach them.

Same could be said for someone else and writing compared to me.

It could be scary, going into the course.
But take it easy on your nerves, and seriously on the workload...

Coffee prevents me from killing you.
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