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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-04-2009, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
Eating various things with chopsticks that most people eat with a spoon. -__-; Oops. Mostly though, people were just kinda impressed that the chopsticks didn't slow me down. Lol.

No idea what the bike panic is about. I used one for a year in japan without any problems, though I will say is that a lot of Americans had a few issues with the whole 'driving on the other side of the road' thing, particularly in checking the wrong way first, and the forgetting to double check. that and the cheap bikes tend to not have gears- a hardship if you're used to them.

Drivers in japan I found to be fairly careful around cyclists (with exceptions, naturally, but not quite on the same cyclist-loathing scale the UK has), but there aren't many (any) cycle lanes and the gutters are bike-eating horrors with spontaneously vanishing covers, so definitely be wary of those, particularly at night or when it's raining heavily- they can be hard to see if they flood. Go careful on sharp bends/hills and make sure you have lights on after dark. Actually, i think it's illegal not to.

I'd say, get a bike sure, but also make sure you get a helmet and some liability insurance. That's just sensible wherever you are.
Cool, I'll keep all of that in mind. =)

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