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07-05-2009, 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Again, I never called her a liar. You are now. I won't repeat what I said.

And I said if it is true, then the reason is ludicrous.

So you are saying that the problem is the governor of Alaska cannot focus on Alaska. I would ask whose fault that is.

And also see what isn't going to happen.

I never mentioned her children, and every single interview you will see on TV is edited, unless it is live. If you want to say they changed her words, please, back that up.

The attacks on Obama have been on policy, and on much more. I wish they were only on policy.

If she said she was stepping down for personal reasons, it would have made more sense. She said she is stepping down because she doesn't want to be a lame duck governor that doesn't do anything.

Then instead of spending the next 18 months doing nothing, why doesn't she spend the next 18 months doing something?

Who says lame duck governor (again, a position she put herself into...she could run for reelection) can't do anything?
Well, since I have said with my first post that EVERYONE has lied, that would mean I would be calling everyone an liar, now wouldn't it? Also you didn't read that paragraph. This is my point.

it is pointless to call someone else an lair without pointing out the the one calling them such an thing is one also. It's not about everyone "doing" it, everyone DOES lie. My point is, if your going to call her an lair call yourself one, call me one, call Obama one, and the list goes on. I'll refer you to that passage that was used by Kayc

I said Sarah Palin couldn't focus on Alaska like she wanted to. She has been busy with other stuff since she was nominated for vice president. Why are you blaming Sarah? The media is the one who put her in the spot light. The Republican party sees her as one of the few leaders left. Tell me which vice president nominee gets this much attention after an failed campaign. Also it's kinda hard for people to say no to being vice president. That said I would also say Alaska was in support of her being vice president.

To see what happens would include what doesn't happen wouldn't it?

DID I say you mention her children? You do know what David Letterman has been "joking" about lately do you not? I thought it was common knowledge about the Gibson interview.

ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview |

ABC Dishonestly Edited Sarah Palin Interview | NowPublic News Coverage

Give examples on attacks on Obama being something else besides policy. I do not recall in the Main Stream Media doing anything other then falling at his feet.

We simply do not have the scope of what she is doing right now. Most Governors who are gong to run for president do not run for reelection. That said everyone who wants an career change or wants to do something else does not continue in what they are currently doing. We simply do not know everything right now.

1 Corinthians 10: 31-33
31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. 33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
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