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(#29 (permalink))
sardO (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2009
07-05-2009, 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Basically, if you're so afraid of a B in a Japanese class that you won't even take the class, then you don't deserve to ever learn the language. Life is full of challenges; you've got to take risks or life will be boring and you won't accomplish anything of meaning.
Wow, that's pretty harsh.

I'm not afraid of a B - in fact, a B is quite good. I'm afraid of a low mark that might push my average below the mark I need it to be in order to continue on in my program. Sure, you need to take risks sometimes, but I'm not prepared to risk my future just for a Japanese class I may not even need. If I graduate from university with a degree, even if I didn't take any risks, that will still have plenty of meaning for me.

As far as the language goes, I've recently have accepted the fact that I will probably never speak the language well, but I do dream of going to Japan one day, so I do have a desire to pick up a decent amount of the language so that I can somewhat communicate if/when I go. As I've said before, I can do that by taking classes outside of school or picking up a book or learning on the internets.

Thanks again for the useful responses.
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