07-05-2009, 12:25 PM
You know, I heard this from others, but in my schools there doesn't seem to be such a barrier between the sexes.
In fact, I think when I constantly have to tell a pair of students to be quiet, it's almost always a boy-girl pair.
And I find students in general, even with each other, and even with me are far touchier than American teens. I now regularly use my students as arm rests, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, because they seem to find it hilarious when I do it. The fact that it is clearly okay is something that was very hard for me to grasp at first.
I'm more worried about going back to America and being weirded out by students "frigidness" if I teach there. Things I think would clearly get me slapped with sexual harassment in the States, and would have never thought of doing to/with my students before coming here, have now become routine and normal. Obviously, it's important to note that while I have great affection for my students, there's nothing beyond that.
Oh, and an addition to the topic: Japanese people talk in elevators.
I can't do it. Freaks me out.
Last edited by Tsuwabuki : 07-05-2009 at 12:36 PM.