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Columbine (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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07-05-2009, 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
It used to drive me nuts how nobody was talking, turning sideways, looking with their eyes moving and not their heads, fully composed upright with their palms straddled in their laps.

I just could not understand how erect everyone was..

It was a huge contrast to what I was used to on a Sydney city train with people talking to each other, on their mobiles, sipping a cup off coffee, arms on back's of chairs, and having a bite to eat.
LOL! You actually did that!? I'm glad to see i'm not the only person to get wild compulsions, but i've never actually followed through. Mine was usually standing by the doors as they open at a station and wanting to lean out and go 'RAWRR!" at the people waiting to get on.

Drawing on fogged up bus windows is another possible stupid thing. Maybe it's just because we were foreign but people wigged out over that, right until my pal wrote 死にたい (I want to die) and then it went very very quiet. XD
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