Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
How many people can you count that denied being vice president? Maybe she has gotten her priorities right, right now we do not know.
I was speaking past-tense. IMO, her priorities weren't in order by even being a running mate. She's a parent with an
INFANT who is a special needs child. How can she bond with the child, if she were to take on a job where she's constantly busy? As I mentioned, those first few years are
vital for proper childhood development.
Why do you think that by going to different universities/colleges makes one inconsistent?
Because she had to go to so many just for a Bachelor's. What was it, five? I can see maybe Community College and then finishing up the final two years at a four-year and then continuing education for a Masters, but if I'm not mistaken, and if I'm wrong, please correct me, this wasn't the case. She didn't finish all of the colleges she attended. Now if she had, then this would be completely different. It may come across that she may have trouble finishing what she starts.
Couldn't you say the same thing for those who possibly carry PH.Ds?
No, because one usually attends
a University for four years, and then continue on to obtain one's Masters/Doctrine at
a Graduate school. If the person has multiple PH.Ds, then it also wouldn't be a problem, because the person would had to have finished up the school in question to even obtain it.
Many have said this is an political killer move. She gave several reasons as to why she is doing this, thus leading one to believe that this decision is more personal then let on to believe. Actually I don't believe that if she gave whatever answer that she would be treated fairly to which she still hasn't.
I still feel if she were to say it's family related, she would be cut a whole lot of slack since, most from what I've seen, feel that family should come first anyway.
Everyone is going to have to wait and see where this is heading.
Yeah, and until then, people are going to speculate, and with the reasons she gave, to me, it's still a "lame reason" and I feel there's a whole lot more to it than what she's saying.