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Salvanas (Offline)
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07-05-2009, 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Khengi View Post
At a certain time, you're supposed to stop making mistakes and take the accumulation of your knowledge and try to do things without recoil. But before you get to that point, you have to stumble a bit.
You never stop making mistakes. Never. Not everything is a big mistake all the time, even something as small as throwing an empty bottle awkwardly, and missing the bin is a mistake that you learn a lesson from.

You can use the knowledge that you have accumulated, but in the end, you will still make mistakes. Again, making a mistake once is fine, making it more than once is requiring you to open your eyes more. A person who tries to never make a mistake, is making a mistake at the same time.

You learn by making mistakes. How do you learn, if you do not make mistakes?

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