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mercedesjin (Offline)
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07-06-2009, 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Khengi View Post
I noticed in your post that you studied げんき. I apologize for this being off-topic, but is it a really good series? I studied from なかま and hated it.
I don't mind, I'm used to going off-topic. I've used both textbooks before... and I personally think that nakama is better. I feel like it's a little more organized, and genki tends to baby the readers, not really giving a whole lot of information... And then, on top of that, there's only genki 1 and 2, so when I got to my 3rd Japanese class, my class had to switch to a different series.

Also - and this is just based on something I've heard - when students who used genki for two years were compared to students who used other textbooks, the students who used genki were far behind where they were expected to be.

Why did you hate nakama?

LOVE: pass it on
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