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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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07-06-2009, 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
***Question for a native speaker. In the sentence I've starred above, presumably the speaker is trying to emphasize that he wants to study by himself, so would it sound more natural to put 一人で after 日本語を? Or is it just my native-English propensities bleeding through that make me want to switch those around to place the emphasis on 一人で rather than no emphasis?
I would feel it slightly more natural to put it where the OP put it. But putting it after 日本語を isn't bad at all.

The clear mistake was in writing 見ます with that kanji. It has nothing to do with "seeing", so it isn't written in kanji. That みる means "to try".

I don't want to raise the general speech level so just listen and forget. This is because we mentioned the phrase "to study by oneself". There is already a word for it, which is to 独学(どくがく)する. If one says 「日本語を独学する」, there's no need for worrying about where to put ひとりで.
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