Originally Posted by Khengi
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm having a bit of trouble comprehending this post. Not in terms of what you said, but how you said it.
I'm trying to get the gist of what you said and go with it, but some of it is just really confusing me. What I was trying to say is I DON'T like books that try not to overwhelm the reader when it is INEVITABLE, whether it be 'Kanji or counters or whatever'.
I think it would probably have made more sense if I`d replied to you sentence by sentence...
You said first that you thought a lot of books were doing a poor job because "they try to teach you how to JUMP right into talking to Japanese people"... And you expressed unhappiness with this because it`s difficult.
But immediately after that, you complain that they
don`t teach you how to jump in and talk because they start with formal styles instead of conversational... And then later go on to say that you also don`t like books that are simple and start out without giving you the means to jump in because they are "dumbed down" to allow more time to acquire bit by bit.
To me, that is contradictory. I have absolutely no idea what kind of book you think is good, as you rule out pretty much everything I can think of. Your post left me lost, which is why I replied at all.