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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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07-07-2009, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
Oh, I know you were merely describing the reality and not agreeing with it. The fact I have met teachers who look at me this way is an issue with the system as it stands now and sadly, how often ALTs internalise this and fob off responsibilty and act like it's a paid Japanese vacation where they can do as little as possible. It's hard to work against that stereotype.
I would say that it seems like there are more serious teachers working there now then there were in the 90s when I was there. At that point JET was still expanding, Japan was growing, etc. I had heard stories that from some consulates there were more openings than there were applicants (like in Anchorage) and sometimes Hawaiians and people from places with lots of applicants would interview in Alaska to "guarantee" a spot. I am confident these days are over, and the hiring committees can be more selective than they used to be.
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