Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
Give the quotes or video please.
YouTube - Bernard Goldberg embarasses Sean Hannity
IMO, Hannity was being very petty here.
Why are you going as far back as someone college years to attack them? There is nothing wrong with someone going to different schools AS long as they complete the degree now is there? Did Sarah Palin Get her Degree, Yes she did, so she DID finish what she started.
I have a problem with a person who has to go to so many schools for a
Bachelor's degree. It's a red flag, imo. To me, it shows that she has a difficult time finishing what she starts or is quick to quit something if things get tough. Could you imagine an employer looking over the resume, and seeing all those unfinished schools listed? That looks just as bad as having gaps in employment on a resume. Now she's quitting as governor barely halfway through her term. It looks bad.
If you really want to go down this road you Also open up other politicians for other thing they may have done. I'll take Obama as an contrast he did drugs during his college days. Is it right to attack him for that NO, same principle applies here.
Not really. At least he
completed the schools he went to.
How can any mother do so if they have an job?
My mother had a job. I still saw her everyday. Same with my father. It's important for the parents to be around,
especially with a
SPECIAL NEEDS INFANT. Unless the parent has no choice, I feel that they should be home with their kids or not take on a job where the parent will be constantly away from the child. I can see taking on a VP position with older kids, but I have a problem when it comes to doing so with a baby.
Honestly I don't know to make of this because I read there is underline town that she would be criticized for any job by your standard. WE do not know her personal life so I don't think you can go and say she not proper caring for her child.
Well, she's not at home. She's in the spotlight. She was running for VP, even though she has a baby at home...a special needs child. IMO, she should be spending the majority of her time, just as her husband, with that child until he gets older. Being governor probably wouldn't take up as much of her time, but being VP most definitely would.
Would you being willing to say every women who has an job needs to quit in order to bound with the child?
I didn't say she needed to quit, I'm saying she shouldn't be going after a position where she'll have to devote a lot of her time to it. I say the same for her husband, hence why I said any "parent". Nowhere did I say that she, specifically, should have to do this.
If I had the money I would go to many colleges also. You do know you can transfers some credits? Maybe she wanted to learn at different places, why still does going to different colleges make that an negative?
Because she didn't finish them, that's why. It doesn't show consistency. There's nothing wrong with going to different schools, but it helps to actually
finish them. Some employers would probably be weary because of that and might not even grant her an interview; some may give her an interview, and I guarantee you that she probably would be questioned about something like that and then she explains why. Maybe she does have a legitimate reason, but it still looks as if she couldn't finish what she started.
You don't get the reason why I said PH.D. Here's the point; One goes through certain steps in order to gain one, correct? Now she took steps in order to gain her degree, correct? Was it normal, maybe not but in no chance is that an reasonable way to criticize someone on. You don't go to one school to get an PH.D either.
You still usually
finish the schools you go to, even if you go the route of a Doctrine. Even multiple holders had to eventually finish up someplace to get them, and they usually stick with
a university, not multiple. I see if she'd gone to maybe a tech school or a vocational school and also college, but she went to multiple colleges, didn't finish them, to get a Bachelor's. I would love to know why she did that. Why couldn't she stay put with one college instead of attending multiple ones.
Do I also have to repeat you CAN transfer credits? Making the case that going to different colleges makes one an quitter highly redundant.
Hello...it still is coming across as a negative view of her. "She can't finish what she starts." She quit multiple
colleges. Why? Was it too tough for her? Was there a mitigating circumstance that affected her going? What about the dates? Were they all short-term. Was it a month here or there? That would look bad on a resume and her quitting as governor doesn't help things much.
do I have to point out Joe Biden? He not the best person when it comes to speaking, nor the best when it comes to making accurate statements.
At least comedians still have Biden. He's great comedic material.